U.S. congressman: Sumgait pogroms were masterminded with special brutality

U.S. congressman: Sumgait pogroms were masterminded with special brutality

PanARMENIAN.Net - U.S. congressman, Democratic Party member David Cicilline issued a statement honoring the memory of the victims of Sumgait pogroms.

“Armenians in Sumgait became victims of systematic massacre in 1988. Sumgait pogroms were masterminded with special brutality,” he said.

According to him, the day honors the memory “not only of the victims of Sumgait pogroms, but also the victims of massacres in Baku and Kirovabad.

The congressman further stressed the necessity of struggle against discrimination, “regardless of the place it broke out.”

The Sumgait Pogrom

The Sumgait Pogrom was the Azeri-led pogrom that targeted the Armenian population living in the Azerbaijani seaside town of Sumgait in February 1988. On February 27, 1988, large mobs made up of Azeris formed into groups that went on to attack and kill Armenians in both on the streets and in their apartments; widespread looting and a general lack of concern from police officers allowed the situation to worsen. The violent acts in Sumgait were unprecedented in scope in the Soviet Union and attracted a great deal of attention from the media in the West. The massacre came in light of the Nagorno-Karabakh movement that was gaining traction in the neighbouring Armenia SSR.

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