4696 crimes registered in Yerevan within last 8 months of 2009

PanARMENIAN.Net - 4696 crimes were registered in Yerevan within the last 8 months of 2009, showing an increase of 59.9% compared with last year's results, Head of Yerevan Police Staff, Major General Nerses Nazaryan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"Crime rate of 49.8% was registered in Yerevan. The research conducted showed a major increase in property crimes, as well as robberies," Nazaryan stated.

According to him, the number of personal crimes grew by 126%.

The police is also concerned over increased incidents of illegal firearm storing and drug trafficking in Yerevan nightclubs.

"Percentage of criminal cases solved grew by 67.3%. Within 8 months, 35 premeditated murders were committed in Yerevan, only 6 of them haven't yet been solved," Major General noted.

"The increased crime rate is explained by current financial crisis and grave social position the country is in," Nerses Nazaryan stated.
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