“New amazing world” in Middle East

The more the oil, the bitter is the struggle between “dictators” and “advocates of democracy”.

The Middle East is gradually sinking into chaos and anarchy, and apparently, the point of no return is already passed. The USA, in fact, proved to be as guilty of the Arab revolution, as earlier in the “color” revolutions in the CIS. They speak and write about it not only worldwide but even in America itself. In fact, collapse of the “great American dream” led to the fact that the “dream” is sought to be quickly spread around the world, under the guise of democracy and other values for which the U.S. is not ready to give even a penny now.

PanARMENIAN.Net - The most convenient countries for this purpose are those with oil reserves. And the more the oil, the bitter is the struggle between “dictators” and “advocates of democracy”. All this reminds of the first Gulf War, when Iraq invaded Kuwait and the U.S. devoted itself to “saving democracy in Kuwait”. However, now that the entire Middle East has flared up, America will have to remember the words of Barack Obama at Cairo University in 2009, when he “offered a hand of friendship to Islam”, called radicals and terrorists of “Muslim Brotherhood” serious opposition in Egypt, and much more. And Europe will be among the first to remind her about this, since it’s where people are already running to from Libya and Tunisia. America is far away, so you can tell her what you please. But she can also invade Libya, quite like Iraq, and destroy the country. And all this is done under calls for democracy, which is understood in the White House quite peculiarly. Or, maybe, it is not understood at all; after all, it’s not for us to judge. But one thing is certain: the Obama administration does not even have the foreign policy that Bush Jr. had. It was disastrous, and sometimes inadequate, but it was. Intimacy with the Islamic world has never been rewarding, and there are multiple examples to prove it. Such as, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, from “Muslim Brotherhood”, a prominent leader of al-Qaeda, calls the Egyptians to a new revolution. Or, three British Islamists are planning a protest outside the White House this week, calling for Sharia law in the U.S., arguing that it is the solution for all of America's problems. As reported by WorldNetDaily, Muslim activists Anjem Choudary, Abu Izzadeen and Sayful Islam have been associated with Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad's group al-Muhajidoun. Sayful Islam says the message is clear: the American dream is a farce.

“The message we're going to present is two-fold. The first is the fallacy of the American dream. The American dream has become a nightmare. The message of freedom and democracy has failed the people it's trying to help. The American people are suffering and are seeing oppression. They need to remove the tyrants of our time. The biggest tyrant of our time is Barack Obama, the American president,” Sayful Islam remarked. The campaign of British Islamists in the U.S. is called Shariah-4-America. It is of symbolic value.

“The White House is the symbol of America and its call for freedom and democracy. We want to show that the White House is no longer the center-point of the world and that everyone can no longer look to it as a sign of freedom and democracy. It's in contrast to the Black House which is in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. We must make that (the Black House) the focal point of the people. They should no longer look to the White House for freedom, but look toward submission to the creator,” Islam commented.

According to him, the coups in Tunisia and Egypt, and the uprising in Libya mark only the beginning of a historic turning point in the development of Islam. After all, overthrown are only those rulers, who do not fulfill the will of Allah and are reluctant to introduce Shariah law in their countries.

And after all this, U.S. ambassadors in the post-Soviet territory, including Armenia, are calling for “civil awakening”. Obviously, in Arab scenario. And once again we want to thank the Lord for Armenia has no oil...

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News
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