Turkish army ready for operation in northern Iraq

PanARMENIAN.Net - The armed forces chief, General Yasar Buyukanit, said the military is ready and waiting for the government to order the cross-border operation

"A short time after our units are given a task, they will be able to carry it out. That is the point at which we are. We are now waiting for the order that will come from the government," Cumhurriyet quoted Buyukanit as saying.

"23 previous operations produced no effect with an exception of three major ones carried out in 1992, 1995 and 1997.

The trans-border operation has several aspects, including political and diplomatic, according to him. "We are dealing with its military aspect," he said.

"Terrorism has transformed into a global phenomenon. One operation can't neutralize the PKK but can inflict a serious damage," he said, Vesti reports.
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